A proud feminist, committed to supporting women to stand in their own power.

GabrielleAt Inner Vision Consulting you can expect a unique skill set grounded in many years of experience and learning in the human services sector.
The work I do with you will be driven by your needs, challenges, strengths, skills and experience.
Gabrielle Borggaard Nicholson

Understanding challenges

Work in the Human Services sector can be deeply rewarding and at times also challenging.
  • I work with people in diverse circumstances who may at times feel like they are burning out, struggling emotionally or professionally, their confidence isn’t where they would like it to be or that the organisation they are leading isn’t performing the way they would like it to.

Working together

The work I do with you will be driven by your needs, challenges, strengths, skills and experience.
  • I will hold space for you, working with you to get to the heart of the matter; develop a purposeful, deliberate process with rich learning and growth opportunities; and help you to realise your vision whether that vision is for you, your team or organisation.

Co-creating vision and best practice

Ultimately you will realise your vision in the way that works best for you.
  • Everyone is unique. My goal is to help you find clarity, feel confident, capable and resilient, so that you can excel at what you do best. It may be finding ways to navigate, fit in, communicate, or practising reflection and wellbeing to prevent burnout and become your best self.

Organisations I've worked with